Monday, August 4, 2008
{ 10:47 PM }

hello there...
What will you do when everything that's good have to end just like that?You only feel it once or twice and the very next moment,you have to move on...move to a new new people..all stuff??
i mean...come to think of it,its good laa...because you will get to know more widen up your circles of friends and also your mind..
but the bad part is have no idea how the person will be in based on attitude..
which i hate this part the very most..
its soo sucks until i become more restless when wanting to go to this stupid new environment..
What????havent get use to it??give time???
nah...i doubt so...
i got this feeling that i wont be happy in this new ward...WHICH IN WARD 49!!!!! i wanna be in ward 47 ='(
and and...furthermore,i feel like i've been lock up in the dungeon..where theres a dragon guard outside and will kill whoever wants to save me..
Okay..its lame...ARGH!!!WAT AM I TALKING ABOUT!!!this is so out of topic!!
im out of my mind already laa...
to be truefull...i don't like my new ward...
the nurses out there is completely annoying and they make me nuts!!
today.when taking report,they were like talking to themselves like as if we, the student nurse here arent exist...we stand there like a statue and they talk softly...
there...a bunch of valgularities..
and the routine out there is wayyyyyyyyy tooooo different from ward 47...
-you have to sign in and out before and after you go for break which ward 47 don't need to do that stupid stuff.
-You need to ring the bell when you wanna go in the ward because the door will only be open during the visiting hour which WARD 47 DONT NEED TO DO THAT!!WARD 47's DOOR IS ALWAYS 24/7 OPEN!!
-The nurses out there is so unfriendly unlike ward 47..47 is sooooo wayyyyyy better man!!they know when to be serious and when to have fun...
This is compeletely insana man!! i can my dear friend,hajar can endure with this shit...
and i feel so jealous of her...cos she will be going to ward 47...
trust me...she will definately have fun in the surgical ward sei...
i know...i stilll have to face this shitty stuff...
and and trust me...after 5 weeks in that ward,my personality will be completely change sei...become more and more quieter..haiyooo....
okay....enuf of complaint...i know...probably your ears and eyes will bleed if i carry on like this...
today...before going back...we girls did took a picture..haha...i like that picture because my face look nice..hehehehe...
see picture above*
after work,meet my dear friend,hajar..
had fun talking with her man!!miss her loads!!plan to take pic but ended up talked crapp...hehe..
k laa..tats all for today...
pray for me so that tmr will be a better day...
and yes!!not forgetting....HAPPY 19th BIRTHDAY HALIMA!!MAY ALL YOUR DREAMS COME TRUE...
seems that each one of my dear friends is becoming 19 years old as days pass by...hahahha...