yesterday,last day of school.
im not quite happy actually.
infact i felt bored.
cos i dun get to meet my friends again.
well..we will,but not everyday.
but yesterday was fun laa..
spending our very last time with JN0804D classmates.
taking pictures together.
singing and dancing in the classroom.
sudden sadness strikes!
our dear class advisor,mdm masni suddenly cried while hugging each of us.
tried to hold back my tears.do deep breathing exercise(LOL!-__-")
love you all laa..
hope that we will be seeing each other again and be in the same class in year 2.
so..after class,we have 3 hours break!
ate at cafeteria 2 and after that went to tampines mall..
Rina.me.hajar.wati.nurul.fieza.XP.shidah.haikal.suella.huda.slyvester(dun know hw to spell).qi yu.yu qi.eugenia.sharon.willie.wan.diyana.jasmine.cara.
sorry if i missed out your name.
yea..all went tamp mall together.
best laa..
we went to open plaza at level 4.
played this stupid game.
spin ourself until dizzy.
me and diyana play that thing and something bad happened!
luckily fieza save my life.
thanks fieza..
really appreciate it alot!
without you,i'll die on that spot sei..
someone is not there while i was having fun..why shes not there with me?sigh..
so when back to school to get our result..
alhamdulilah i passed.
and off we go..
so late evening..went to meet my secondary school friends..
actually..i don't have mood to go..
but i don't want to dissapoint aisha..
yea..shes having a singing french competition.
so we went there just to support her.
so theres me.azlina.faizah.haziq.hafith and fitri.
going to ST joseph international at thomson road by car.
gosh!aisha was damn gorgeous laa..
i like her voice..
cant believe she can sing french song!
well..we went back before the results..late laa..furthermore the place is very far..
before we wnt back,go to changi village to eat dinner.
after that,off we go..
thanks for the ride haziq!
reached home around 11pm..
try to sleep but just cant..
im soo worried..
i hope you like the gift that i gave you..