Hazzy Hazirah.
So far, this is the third time me swimming with her.
Well. School's Out! So that means, I have More Time To Exercise.
I Really-Really Need to lose weight before Graduation day Which Falls on the 4th May 2010.
Really-Really Must have that discipline.
Today We went sun-tanning.
Plus Swimming.
And trust me,
Both of us look like Niger.
But nevermind,
I like!
So Time to update EVERYTHING.
Seriously It's been awesome for the past few days.
Not to mention the last day of school.
Believe me,
In school, It's Sucks!
Well, Not because of last day but because We didnt get to say our
last goodbyes in a proper manner.
Well, It's Fine for me.
Just have to wait 4th May For us to get back together again.
But that time round,
All of us will be Different.
Trust me,
This Gonna be a very long post.
Starts with 3th March 2010, Wednesday.

Went Out With Yiru
So sweet of her to meet me at KKH.
Travelled All the way from Marine Parade.
There's Eugenia as well as Siew Cheung With us.
Eat Breeks At Marina Square.
And Very Hilarious Incident Happened.
I tell You,
Eventhough It Already Happened For Quite Some time,
I can Still Remember it. Crystal Clear.
Stupid Eugenia!
Took Pictures Here and There.
Eugenia and SC went off early and left with me and Yiru.
We talked and laughed until our stomach wanna Burst.

5th of March 2010, Friday.
It's the last day of Attachment.
Afternoon Shift on that day.
And we get to know our Final Grading of the Year 2 Clinical Practice (CP)
And I really-Really Thank Allah For This.
Yep, My Final Grading is 83%, so that means I get A For my CP Year 2!
Hopefully Will get into Polytechnic.
It's okay if I didn't get selected For Paramedic Course.
Cos, To think of it, I think I can't make The Right Decision When There's
I think The Casualty will die faster if I'm the one Handle.
Hangout with my two crazy friends.
Hazirah supposed to join us but She can't.
She need rest for her face!
Wawan and SC came to my area at Midnight.
We supposed to be resting at home Because Tomorrow we will be having
Pot Luck.
But we are just plain stuborn.
And there we go.One Crazy Night.

Talked to zahid on the phone before heading to bed.
People starting to wake up,
I go sleep.
6th March 2010, Saturday.

Having Pot Luck At Eugenia's Crib With The Lovely
CP Team Mates Plus Two of our Lovely Teachers.
The dress code for the Pot Luck is,
Girls : Dress.
Guys : Smart.
I really wanna thank hazirah for everything.
The make-up.
The Dress.
I seriously so Thankful to her.
So many food to eat. Sing Karaoke.
And Eugenia's Crib is fucking Awesome! Bungalow ehk. 4th Storeys.
So rich.
And And I touched DOG for the very first time!
To the muslim, It's not that we can't touch dogs.
It's just that we can't touch their's nose or saliva.
Al-Quran didn't state that we, Muslim Can't Touch Dogs.
Don't be Narrow Minded k.

Took pictures and we had so much fun! Like seriously.
If anyone ever ask me, who complete me as a person.
My answer would be, My CP Friends and as well as all My CP teachers.
They are the one who make me become a better person.
They are the one who gone throught thick and thin with me throughout my journey in Nursing.
Went sheesha with Hazirah,Maisarah,Siew Cheung and Auni.
And I really need sleep.
Because I have Not been Sleeping That well.
Can really see my Big eyebag.
Like Panda!
7th March 2010, Sunday.

Swimming With Hazzy Hazirah In the Morning.

They Activate the Adrenaline so Fucking well!
Paramore Rock My Green Socks!
And I can't tell You How Tired I am.
With All the Jumping and Shouting.
And I looked SO FUCKING RED LIKE LOBSTER after that Sun Tanning that morning.
Meet Zahid After the concert.
Reached home at 2am.
Gosh! what A Day!
And I have School the very next day which starts at 9am.
8th March 2010, Monday.
School for 1 week.
This is the very last week in school.
Day 1 At school, did Fund Raising.
Which is to collect Tin.
Lots and lots of tins.
Me,shidah and huda smart.

Because we went to Cafe 2, we told the Aunty that we want the tin.
so.. While we Eat, The aunty clear the table,collect the tins and but inside the black plastic bag and
gave it to us.
End at 12.
Meeting Yiru with Hazzy Hazirah.
Plan To Donate Blood But sadly, HSA closed on Monday.
So, We just hang out at Douby Ghaut.
Eat LJS at there. And Hang out at Eunos.
I am so Tired that I dozed Off in the Bus.
So do Hazirah.
10th March 2010, Wednesday.
Meet Munirah at Eastpoint.
Accompany her to print Photos
and Went to Maisarah's Crib To Decorate Birthday Cake.
While Munirah was busy decorating the birthday cake, I play with
Maisarah's Baby Rabbit.
For Your Infomation, Maisarah's Rabbit Gave Birth 11 rabbits.
Her house is The House of rabbits lah.
So many sia.
11th March 2010, Thursday.

Meet Yiru To donate Blood.
Never Give up ehk we.
Die-die want to donate blood.
Well, It's a good thing to do though.
Saving people's life.
We are the Life Saver!
Went to Suntec to Eat.
Jalan-jalan and accompany her to find and buy shoe.
Great time!
I tell you, Being with her, So many Funny Incidents Happened.
We can really laughed the whole day.
Remember When We At the Train?
Our head were like moving according to the motion of the train.
and we were like talking with our head moving.
Seriously That was so Funny!
And then ended up complaint, SOB and Tachycardia.
12th March 2010, Friday.
That day was the last day of school.
We had two talks and after that, Off we go.
Took Pictures. Was feel kinda sad. Because we won't be seeing each other til 4th May.
After what we gone through, this 2 years.
And Now, This is the end.
Hope that all the friendship that we build will last forever.
Outing with FSH.
Sounds like Follicle-Stimulating Hormones
But It's Actually Fadhilah,Shidah,Huda
Went to Fort Canning Park For A Mini Picnic.
Had So much fun!
So long never hang out with them.
I heart you girls!
Okay, I am So tired right now.

This are all the updates.
I wanna Congratulate Azri For Being accepted in the Paramedics!
This is what you want Boy!
Go Strive it!
I need to find Part time Job Urgently.
Don't wanna rot at home for too long.
Got alot of pictures to upload but Im just too lazy to do.
Only God Knows how irritating this blogger is.